User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping

User Story Mapping Prioritization Framework Template


Visual exercise for prioritizing requirements in terms of customer value.

User story format: As a [type of user], I want to [action] so that [benefit].


  1. Frame the problem—Define the customer problem.

  2. Define the user—Define your target audience.

  3. Map user activities—Outline the activities every user does.

  4. Map user stories—Break down each activity into user stories.

  5. Prioritize—Rank stories by importance top to bottom.

  6. Flow—Map the users flow through the product.

  7. Identify risks—Envision the potential user issues.

  8. Plan sprints/releases—Group stories by priority within each activity.

  9. Schedule the prioritized user stories into sprints/releases.

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