Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes Prioritization Framework Template


Evaluate bugs by factors:

  • Likelihood—How many transactions (sessions) does the problem occur?
    Options: <1%  · 1% · <10%  · >10%

  • Severity—How bad is it if the problem does occur?
    Options: Obvious workaround available (OWA) · Non-obvious workaround available (N-OWA) · Important functionality unavailable (IFU).

3x4 Matrix Likelihood vs. Severity:

  • OWA + <1% → Very Low

  • OWA + 1% → Low

  • OWA + <10% → High

  • OWA + >10% → High

  • N-OWA + <1% → Low

  • N-OWA + 1% → Medium

  • N-OWA + <10%. → High

  • N-OWA + >10% → Very High

  • IFU + <1% → Medium

  • IFU + 1% → High

  • IFU + <10% → Very High

  • IFU + >10% → Very High

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